Tell Me When It Closes

Tell Me When It Closes is my recent Friday Investment time project. It's a simple (and free!) service that you can use to keep tabs on GitHub issues and pull requests without getting lost in the noise.
The project is a straighforward Rails app that provided an apportunity to work with GitHub's new GraphQL version of their API. Read more about it in the announcement blog post.
Open Source
- Vim Tmux Navigator - Unifies navigation keybinding between tmux pans and vim windows to make the terminal feel like a text-based IDE.
- Dotfiles - My personal configuration files for vim, tmux, git, zsh, etc. Intended as reference only, but lotsa love in these files.
- Vim Tmux Runner - Connect tmux & vim for rapid iteration. Run tests from vim, send text from vim to tmux, and generally get them together.
- Vim System Copy - Provides specific keybindings for interacting with the system clipboard from within Vim.
- Vim Sort Motion - Custom vim operator / key binding for sorting over any text region vim can identify.
- Vim Confllicted - Vim plugin for managing and working through git merge conflicts.
- Vim Titlecase - Custom vim operator / key bidning for title casing over a text region within Vim. Viva la lingua Vim(a)
- Vim Quicklink - Search via Google and insert markdown formatted links, all from the comfort of Vim
- Vim RFactory - Quick navigation to factory-girl factory definitions from rspec filies.